Monday, May 20, 2024

Welcome to CBS Protest.

The number of Petitions protesting CBS's 2023-2024 Cancellation decisions means something is amiss at CBS. This site will be a gathering place for all Petition Starters and those who are passionate about reversing CBS cancellation decisions that don't make sense.


  1. Hi! I'm in the very early stages of putting together a contact resource list for as many other networks, cable channels, and streaming services I can think of to ask them to save the show. I only have a few pieces of contact info in here right now. I'm sharing the links in hopes that this will be a collaborative resource people can add to with contact info they know and take from to reach out to as many outlets as they like to try and save our show!

    Link here:

    1. Your efforts might be more productive if we all contact Sony since they may be the reason Todd got canceled. CBS appears to be trying to drive up their sales price to Sony and they got rid of shows that were shot on location and were not at the very top of all shows in ratings, which is ridiculous of course to use that as a bench mark.

  2. Note that I don't have CBS itself in at the moment- unfortunately, I believe getting them to change their minds is likely the longest shot of all. But I do encourage everyone to keep speaking out to them and tell them how we well! As for boycotting, for those who would feel able, I'd encourage a "partial boycott"- watch SHMT episodes and related material, but nothing else from CBS! Again, only if you're up for that. :)


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